2025-01-21 11:41:05
motivation in trading or even in life generally?
Hate to say it - but motivation is one of the worst things you can look for.
Think about it like sugar.
You get that spike of insulin, you get a burst of energy and then booom - you fall into a slump.
It's the same with Motivation.
You watch a motivational video, you get inspired, maybe take some action but then a few days later - you are "demotivated" again.
How important is it to Dream Big and have Big Goals?
Well - I'd say it's definitely more beneficial than motivation, because at least you know where you want to go.
If you don't have a Goal, you don't have a Destination, so you don't know what to do.
However, it's easy to dream big and set big goals.
We all dream of profitability, additional/passive income, quitting our jobs, traveling, not worrying about money, taking care of our families, ensuring a future for our kids, buying a home, taking a great vacation, etc.
We then visualize those things and it feels good.
You get a burst of motivation.
And then what?
You put in some little work, only to return to your older, comfortable self some time later.
And that cycle repeats.
You take a couple of good trades, only to blow them all out on the next day.
You work out and eat well for a few days, only to start skipping and overeating very soon.
You start studying a course for 2 hours a day, only to forget about it in a few days.
So if having Dreams and being Motivated doesn't work, what does?
Setting New Standards for Yourself.
Humans will do EVERYTHING to NOT fall below their standards, but will do very little for the wildest dreams.
If I told you right now to go outside on the street in underwear, would you do it?
Probably not.
Why? Because you have standards and you can't break them.
It wouldn't be like you if you did that, right?
Well, that's a decision you made by yourself. You gave yourself standards.
Now, you dream of being consistently profitable and, let's say, making $5,000 per month from trading.
But you are probably still messing up, losing, being in drawdown, not being clear on your strategy, etc.
Why is that happening?
It's because you don't have the Standards of a person who is profitable and makes $5k per month.
Do you see where I am going?
Let me share with you a Quote, that changed my life:
"We are not the Highest Version of ourselves that we dream of.
We are the Lowest Version of ourselves that we tolerate."
It doesn't matter what you dream of when you have low standards of yourself.
So - the only way to actually become the person you want to be is to Raise your Lowest Standards.
It's giving yourself a MINIMUM threshold, that you must not cross.
It's designing your life from the Bottom Up.
And then - it's about Taking Action.
You are still blowing accounts, because you have the standards of a person who does that.
You are still unprofitable, because you have standards of an unprofitable trader.
Think about it as Business