Ever heard of the 80/20
Опубликовано: 2025-01-21 08:07:55
the 80/20 rule?
80% of the work you do provides 20% of the impact, and 20% of the work you do brings 80% of the rewards.
Summed up, it suggests that 80% of the time you spend working is wasted. You'd be much better off cutting out almost everything you do and focusing on the 20% of groundbreaking tasks.
This applies to trading as much as it does to business.
Almost all traders (including you) waste 80% of their time on pointless distractions. Live trading a <$1,000 account, hoping to make a couple of dollars... why?
Is a $200 return really going to change your life?
Will your $1,000 capital ever take you to full-time status?
No, obviously not.
When you waste your time on the thrilling short-term endeavor of chasing small amounts of money, you kill all your focus, time, and energy—resources that could instead be used wisely.
So what are the 20% of tasks that actually benefit you right now?
Studying and learning
Reverse engineering markets
Journaling patterns and building experience
These will change your life—if only you would actually do them.
Build a system > Test the system > Journal performance > Refine.
But guess what? Trading is a zero-sum game. Either you take someone else’s money, or they’ll take yours.
And there are people like me who are willing to put in thousands of hours to make sure I’m the one that stays winning.
Not that I don’t want you to win—there’s enough money in these markets for everyone.
But no one is coming to save you. If you don’t put in the work, you’ll be chewed up by the competition—those who are willing to work harder and smarter.
So get to work.
Ditch the 80% of pointless distractions you waste your time on.
Focus on the 20% of tasks that will actually get the ball rolling.
Build a system > Test the system > Journal performance > Refine.
80% of the work you do provides 20% of the impact, and 20% of the work you do brings 80% of the rewards.
Summed up, it suggests that 80% of the time you spend working is wasted. You'd be much better off cutting out almost everything you do and focusing on the 20% of groundbreaking tasks.
This applies to trading as much as it does to business.
Almost all traders (including you) waste 80% of their time on pointless distractions. Live trading a <$1,000 account, hoping to make a couple of dollars... why?
Is a $200 return really going to change your life?
Will your $1,000 capital ever take you to full-time status?
No, obviously not.
When you waste your time on the thrilling short-term endeavor of chasing small amounts of money, you kill all your focus, time, and energy—resources that could instead be used wisely.
So what are the 20% of tasks that actually benefit you right now?
Studying and learning
Reverse engineering markets
Journaling patterns and building experience
These will change your life—if only you would actually do them.
Build a system > Test the system > Journal performance > Refine.
But guess what? Trading is a zero-sum game. Either you take someone else’s money, or they’ll take yours.
And there are people like me who are willing to put in thousands of hours to make sure I’m the one that stays winning.
Not that I don’t want you to win—there’s enough money in these markets for everyone.
But no one is coming to save you. If you don’t put in the work, you’ll be chewed up by the competition—those who are willing to work harder and smarter.
So get to work.
Ditch the 80% of pointless distractions you waste your time on.
Focus on the 20% of tasks that will actually get the ball rolling.
Build a system > Test the system > Journal performance > Refine.